
Fall Caring Scholarship

Unified Caring Association’s Fall Caring Scholarship Contest is in full swing as of October 1st.  High School Juniors and Seniors from all over the country have been invited to write a 500 or more word essay about their caring actions and ideas to make change for the better in one of four categories – Children, Animals, Reforestation or Elderly.

All essays are submitted through our online portal which closes at midnight in the Pacific Time Zone on November 30, 2020.

Unified Caring has been offering the Scholarship Essay Contest opportunity since 2017.   The themes have varied, but all require exploration on how to make a caring difference in the world around them. With each contest, there has been an ever-increasing awareness of the issues that impact young people today.

Many young writers share personal experiences which have propelled them to create change in small ways, and inspire them to dedicate their lives to making a difference in the lives of others.  Others have a more global view, and captivate our minds with their innovative ideas for significant change on a grand scale. To honor the developing hearts and expanding intelligence of these youth, we’ve increased our Scholarship Awards to $550 for the top 10 winners, and $250 for the 10 runners-up.

So spread the word – and hold onto your seats.  When the contest winners are announced on December 15th, the winning essays will be posted on our website.  Be sure to check in to see for yourself the unique perspectives and creative solutions these young folks have in creating a more caring world.  You will be impressed!

UCA’s Spring 2020 Scholarship Essay Contest for High School Juniors and Seniors had so many impressive essays submitted from across the U.S., we decided to share many of these students’ inspiring caring actions with you in this publication. We are proud to present to you the writings, thoughts and dreams for a more caring future through these articles.