Urban Forests Planted with the Future in Mind

Ever since I was little, I have had a fascination with trees. I spent most of my childhood in Oregon, in a home dwarfed by the six Giant Sequoias growing in the backyard. In front of those sequoias, there were three English walnuts, a Katsura tree, and an assortment of Rhododendrons and Japanese Maples. I … Read moreUrban Forests Planted with the Future in Mind

Fall Caring Scholarship


Unified Caring Association’s Fall Caring Scholarship Contest is in full swing as of October 1st.  High School Juniors and Seniors from all over the country have been invited to write a 500 or more word essay about their caring actions and ideas to make change for the better in one of four categories – Children, … Read moreFall Caring Scholarship

An Environmentally Friendly Theme Park

The earth is dying. Every day we as humans harm the earth by burning fossil fuels, polluting waterways, littering, and taking no action to help solve those problems. Thankfully, mother nature has presented us an easy solution for many of those problems: trees. Trees operate in such a way that they actually remove pollutants from … Read moreAn Environmentally Friendly Theme Park

The First Step Towards Reforesting the World is Sympathy

The Amazon, the Atlantic Forest, the Congo Basin, Eastern Australia, and Sumatra are just a few examples of forested areas that are home to some of the world’s best biodiversity hot spots. But according to the World Wildlife Foundation, these are just five regions out of eleven that are at significant risk for “catastrophic deforestation … Read moreThe First Step Towards Reforesting the World is Sympathy

What is the Worth of a Tree?

What is the worth of a tree? The price tag at the garden center tells you $28.95. The acorn is proof that they’re free, but the desert tells you that a tree is priceless. A tree is more than a standing piece of timber soon to be the paper you may see this writing on … Read moreWhat is the Worth of a Tree?

Announcing Spring 2020 Scholarship Winners


We are excited to announce the top 10 winners and 10 honorable mention winners in our 2020 Spring Essay Scholarship Contest. UCA created this scholarship contest for the purpose of encouraging the next generation to think about how to create more caring in the world. The association is excited to award students for promoting a … Read moreAnnouncing Spring 2020 Scholarship Winners


We’ve always been an observer of life, and these days, there is certainly a lot to observe.  As our usual routines dissolve into shoulds and should-nots, we are scrambling to redefine the orchestration of our lives.  Our physical survival now depends on the script of the Greater Good.    We are on Pause and have this … Read moreHit The REFRESH Button-CARE


We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) are all about caring: caring acts, self-care, sharing caring, caring research and more! With all of the ways we celebrate caring, we want to give a grand shout out about where we came from and who we are and how UCA C.A.R.E.S. In the Beginning… We were founded in … Read moreUCA C.A.R.E.S.

One Tree Planted T.R.E.E.S. Program for Kids

As a hub for caring acts for people, animals and the planet, we at Unified Caring Association (UCA) are jumping for joy about reforestation efforts of our friends at One Tree Planted. What makes us extra excited? Our friends at One Tree Planted have a surprise that we are so enthusiastic to share with our … Read moreOne Tree Planted T.R.E.E.S. Program for Kids

R is for “Reforestation”

R is for Reforestation

Reforestation Unified Caring Association (UCA) has an abundance of C.A.R.E. programs with emphases on Children, Animals, Reforestation and Elderly. In these programs we often team up with non-profits and non-profit projects to promote caring with in our communities and around the world. In previous blogs we have written about ‘C’, ‘A’ and ‘E’, and now … Read moreR is for “Reforestation”