3 Steps to Compassionate Disagreements

compassionate disagreement

A lack of consensus or approval defines a disagreement. Disagreements are a part of the human experience and often begins the moment we learn to speak the word “no” as toddlers. Expressing our differing opinions with others can be healthy, leading to amazing breakthroughs and change. As the great Mahatma Gandhi says “honest disagreement is … Read more3 Steps to Compassionate Disagreements

3 Aspects of Compassionate Disagreement

3 aspects of compassionate disgreement

One of the most useful skills we can cultivate in this day and age is the ability to patiently listen and connect with someone who holds a different belief, or opinion than our own. There have been a series of major events this year that embody the clear division that exists between families, communities, and … Read more3 Aspects of Compassionate Disagreement