R is for Reforestation

R is for “Reforestation”


R is for Reforestation

Unified Caring Association (UCA) has an abundance of C.A.R.E. programs with emphases on Children, Animals, Reforestation and Elderly. In these programs we often team up with non-profits and non-profit projects to promote caring with in our communities and around the world. In previous blogs we have written about ‘C’, ‘A’ and ‘E’, and now we are excited to share about ’R’. ‘R’ stands for reforestation. This includes all areas that are involving the planet and environment. We love teaming up with non-profits that have a commitment to repair and restore our environment via reforestation efforts. An example of reforestation project is tree planting, like when one of our C.A.R.E. projects assisted in planting 5,000 trees!

So, what does ‘reforestation’ mean?

If we look up the definition of reforestation it is “…the process of replanting an area with trees” (Google inquiry). But, we love seeing this go even more broad to include helping maintain current ecosystems as well as planting trees and other flora to restore the ecosystem.

What can we do on the home front?

One idea that can be done at home is to plant a garden. There is so much to consider when picking the best plants possible: the amount of sunlight, the elevation of where you live, moisture available, etc. We could do a blogs upon blogs for each region of the world! Nonetheless we love seeing all of the gardens at people’s homes and businesses.

No space — no problem!

Recently we noticed a wonderful trend. A lot of community gardens are being built and they are filled with so many beautiful plants, flowers, vegetables and fruit! Most cities have a community garden listing on their websites. Some of these are even connected with schools for the education of growing minds, or connected with senior facilities to give a bit of cheer in a quiet day.

What is involved with a community garden?

Once you have located a community garden near you, you sign up, check on any specific rules to the garden (like don’t pick flowers or food from other people’s plots), then begin your gardening journey. Overall, community gardens generally allow for a lot of creativity. We have seen beautiful flower gardens filled with purple pansies speckled underneath carefully trimmed chamomile bushes which are tucked under tall-sturdy arbors draped with golden honeysuckle. Or carefully manicured rows of fruits and  vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, onions, and potatoes which are contained by a fence of long reaching bean plants. We have even seen plots in community gardens that are a mixture of every garden imaginable!

Community Garden

What do all of these plants offer us?

Plants offer a lot of different things both personally and for the environment. Each person gets one or more effects while caring for plants (just one plant counts as a garden!). Some of these effects could be healing for the mind, body and or spirit. Some people we know love the nurturing involved with plants, while others we talk with remark on the practicality of a garden bursting with food, spices and beautiful flowers. For the most part we hear and experience that the caring we put into our gardens is what we receive. This is true for the scientific side of what plants offer us. Plants not only produce oxygen for us to breath, but feed animals and insects as well as us. For example bees help pollinate flowers and some of these flowers produce fruits and vegetables. Ultimately both animals and people enjoy eating most fruits and vegetables for a well-balanced diet. (Doughnuts are not a fruit or a vegetable much to our contrary beliefs. #SadFace)

Caring through gardening and reforestation…

Unified Caring Association loves promoting caring and caring acts around the world, often through team-ups for C.A.R.E. projects. Read up on our recent activities and team ups to promote caring on our website. Plants are becoming a focus of many of our lives whether it is because of the city’s air quality or because we love to garden. With the ‘R’ in C.A.R.E. standing for reforestation we are excited to see so many communities planning, building, and planting beautiful gardens! These are a great step to helping care for our environment.

Want to read more about UCA and UCA member benefits? We have other blogs on caring the UCA way, like Caring Through the Gift of Time, and blogs on sharing caring such as Starting Steps to Self-Care.

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