Passion to Serve

scholarship essay about children

What can I do? As soon as I put the book down, I knew I had to do something. Kisses from Katie, a book describing one college freshman journey of moving to Uganda and starting a nonprofit, captivated my attention from the time I picked it up to the time I finished it. My sheltered … Read morePassion to Serve

Eliminating the Gap Between Hearing and Deaf Community

scholarship essay about children

It was 2003 when I was finally placed in a stable home. My biological mother was young, unable to care for a child, and spent her life in and out of prison struggling with addiction, so it wasn’t unusual for me to be tossed from one person to another before I met my forever mom. … Read moreEliminating the Gap Between Hearing and Deaf Community

Raising a Child to be a Citizen

scholarship essay about children

Raising a child to be a citizen is an immense challenge. A citizen is someone who has a desire to understand the world, and a commitment to improving it. The global problems of today can seem so large that individuals feel their actions would be meaningless. This apathy cannot be an option forever. Without a … Read moreRaising a Child to be a Citizen

Safely Networking in Local Communities

At this difficult time during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we all stay connected.   Reaching out to our family, neighbors and loved-ones means finding new ways to connect and discovering resources we need to help one another. Some of us are living alone — single parents, seniors and elderly – where it is important … Read moreSafely Networking in Local Communities

R is for “Reforestation”

R is for Reforestation

Reforestation Unified Caring Association (UCA) has an abundance of C.A.R.E. programs with emphases on Children, Animals, Reforestation and Elderly. In these programs we often team up with non-profits and non-profit projects to promote caring with in our communities and around the world. In previous blogs we have written about ‘C’, ‘A’ and ‘E’, and now … Read moreR is for “Reforestation”

Communities That Support Caring

seniors connect

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.” (Jean Vanier) This is a quote that represents us. Unified Caring Association (UCA) is a resource hub for all sorts of caring acts, news and access to caring communities. Below is … Read moreCommunities That Support Caring