Recognizing that self-care is a necessity is important for our health. Take yourself on a walk, eat a nutritious diet, and take time to connect with others. But self-care has another facet, it also involves nurturing our mental and emotional hearts. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) have been reading articles written by HeartMath™ about self-care. Overall, when we learn more about how to renew through self-care, we can have more resilience as we move through our days.
HeartMath’s Steps for Self-Care
HeartMath™ has a wonderful article that outline steps for self-care based in caring for our heart. One step is to avoid comparing our lives with the lives of others. This comparison drains our energy. “Applying self-care would be to first become mindful of our comparisons and self-critical thoughts. Then from our genuine heart, we can practice rising above these lower feelings and replacing them with self-respect for who we truly are – and this magically opens the door for inner guidance in becoming our best and happiest self.” (HeartMath) Methods for building new self-care routines is to replace self-criticism with a new attitude. Focus on positivity, gratitude and compassion.
Next HearthMath™ suggests forgiveness and moving forward without carrying old emotional luggage. When we forgive others and yourself, it is a key intelligent act of self-care. Like comparing ourselves to others, holding onto heavy emotions can be draining. “It’s obvious that some issues will take longer to release than others so be patient and approach forgiveness from the heart with ease. Practice on smaller issues and then move on to the more challenging ones. This heart-intelligent practice will yield numerous self-care benefits for increasing mental and emotional happiness and physical health. Some of the hardest things to do in life turn out to bring the highest return on our investment.” (HeartMath)
Third, HearthMath^™ remarks how compassion to ourselves and others is a healing way to help care for ourselves. “Denying ourselves compassion when we fail to live up to our own or others’ expectations, deprives us of the healing power of this comforting feeling of self-care. Increasing our self-compassion by understanding and forgiving ourselves.” (HeartMath)
What happens when we take care of ourselves, including our hearts is what helps us become more resilient. When we broaden our views of self-care, self-care becomes inclusive of all aspects of our well-being: mental, physical, and emotional. We at UCA want to help grow and nurture healthy hearts.